
Warriewood SLSC Wedding Catering

Do you know why we love so much to be part of Weddings at the beach? We can describe the experience in two words: NATURE and HAPPINESS.

Let me try to explain why there are so many reasons for us to like the environment, but mostly because of the facts below:

  • Your Style is on the relaxed side: Mostly of the couples that we cater for are passionate for nature and a little adventure. They are looking for something different for their special day, they get so relaxed that all the process that supposed to be so stressful is so light and easygoing.
  • Australia is on of the countries with most beautiful beaches in the whole world.
  • Your pictures will have the most beautiful sunshine by the sea that you ever saw.
  • The feeling of being in touch with the nature is indescribable, the sun on your skin, wind, animals around, birds singing, your feet in the sand, it is just awesome.

And this wedding in particular wasn’t different.

Starting with the beach that the couple chose to have their guests, the Warriewood Beach, on the Northern Beaches.Check the view that we had from the inside of the salon:

View from the beach

The decoration was really tropical, the couple wanted to match the beach style, tropical weather and Brazilian Food! How smart is that!?

Lots of flowers, shells, sand and pineapples to decorate the table:

Table decoration

As we always like to say, the Canapes Service are essential for the moment where guests are waiting for main meal!

Canapes selection is served roaming around on platters by our waiters. This service usually takes around one hour and it happens after ceremony when people are having something to drink, socializing and waiting for the main meal.

Did you know that we also have an event only for canapes?! Check it out on our web page for Cocktail Events in the link below:

Cocktail Events

Just to give you guys a taste of our canape selection, this is the Chilli Beef Salad!!!

This stylish canapé is a good option to offer to the guests! They have a special touch of coconut flakes and roasted cashew nuts on the top making it even more crunchy and fresh.

Chilli Beef Salad

Just after the ceremony finishes, gusts started to come in to the salon to have our food, our staff worked really hard to cook the barbecue as always and everything was perfect.

For main meal they had a set of 5 salads, 5 meats, in the end caramelised cinnamon pineapple.
